Academic Articles
Consumer (Mis)understanding of Dietary Supplement Labels, 12 Texas A&M Law Review (forthcoming 2024) (with Madison Kilbride)
The Judicial Nondelegation Doctrine, 75 Alabama Law Review 51 (2023)
A Probabilistic Analysis of Title IX Reforms, 29 Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (2021) (with Yoaav Isaacs) (peer reviewed)
The Student Loan Bankruptcy Gap, 70 Duke Law Journal 497 (2020)
Student Loan Bankruptcy and the Meaning of Educational Benefit, 93 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 277 (2019)
Accounting for Intrinsic Values in the Federal Student Loan System, in The Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy (2018) (with Yoaav Isaacs) (invited contribution)
The Supreme Court's Noble Lie, 51 U.C. Davis Law Review 911 (2018)
The Nondelegation Doctrine: Alive and Well, 93 Notre Dame Law Review 619 (2017) (with Keith Whittington)
The Myth of the Nondelegation Doctrine, 165 University of Pennsylvania Law Review 381 (2017) (with Keith Whittington)
Supreme Court Repeaters, 70 Vanderbilt Law Review 1349 (2016) (with Ya Sheng Lin)
Student Loans and Surmountable Access-to-Justice Barriers, 68 Florida Law Review 377 (2016) (response to Rafael I. Pardo, The Undue Hardship Thicket, 66 Fla. L. Rev. 2101 (2014))
The New Diversity Crisis in the Federal Judiciary, 83 Tennessee Law Review (2016) (with Avery Stewart)
Do Corporations Have Religious Beliefs?, 90 Indiana Law Journal 47 (2015)
Neuro Lie Detection and Mental Privacy, 75 Maryland Law Review 163 (2015) (invited contribution) (with Madison Kilbride)
Why Capital Punishment is No Punishment at All, 65 American University Law Review 1377 (2015)
Jury Voting Paradoxes, 113 Michigan Law Review 405 (2014)
An Empirical Assessment of Student Loan Discharges and the Bankruptcy Undue Hardship Standard, 86 American Bankruptcy Law Journal 495 (2012) (peer reviewed) (winner of the 2011 Irving Oberman Memorial Bankruptcy Award at Harvard Law School)
Is Legal File Sharing Legal? An Analysis of the Berne Three-Step Test, 16 Virginia Journal of Law & Technology 464 (2011)
Eliminating Earmarks: Why the Congressional Line Item Vote Can Succeed Where the Presidential Line Item Veto Failed, 112 West Virginia Law Review 947 (2010)
Popular Book Chapters
The Conjunction Fallacy, in Bad Arguments (2018)
Affirming a Disjunct, in Bad Arguments (2018)
Varys’ Riddle and the Legal Rule of Recognition, in The Ultimate Game of Thrones and Philosophy (2016)
No Restrictions, in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Philosophy (2015)
Does Apple Know Right from Wrong?, in Steve Jobs and Philosophy (2015)
You’re Responsible Today for the You of Yesterday, in Homeland and Philosophy (2014)